.. include:: common.rst Timelines (Activity Streams) ============================ .. http:get:: /api/statuses/public_timeline.as Show the most recent notices, including repeats if they exist, from non-protected users. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statuses/home_timeline.as Show the most recent notices, including repeats if they exist, posted by the authenticating user and the users they follow. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statuses/friends_timeline.as Show the most recent notices, including repeats if they exist, posted by the authenticating or specified user and the users they follow. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| :query int user_id: |status_user_id| :query string screen_name: |status_screen_name| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statuses/user_timeline.as Show the most recent notices posted by the authenticating or specified user. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| :query int user_id: |status_user_id| :query string screen_name: |status_screen_name| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statuses/mentions.as /api/statuses/mentions_timeline.as Show the most recent mentions (notices containing @username) for the authenticating user or specified user. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| :query int user_id: |status_user_id| :query string screen_name: |status_screen_name| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statuses/replies.as Show the most recent mentions (notices containing @username) for the authenticating user or specified user. :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| :query int user_id: |status_user_id| :query string screen_name: |status_screen_name| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`ActivityStream status objects `