.. include:: common.rst Favorites ========= .. http:get:: /api/favorites.json Returns recent notices favorited by the authenticating or specified user. :query int user_id: |user_id| :query string screen_name: |screen_name| :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`status objects ` .. http:post:: /api/favorites/create/(int:status_id).json Favorites a status. :param int status_id: ID of the status to favorite :reqheader Authorization: |auth| **Example response**: :ref:`status_object` .. http:post:: /api/favorites/destroy/(int:status_id).json Unfavorites a status. :param int status_id: ID of the status to unfavorite :reqheader Authorization: |auth| **Example response**: :ref:`status_object`