.. include:: common.rst Groups ====== .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/timeline/(int:id)(string:nickname).json Show a group’s timeline. Similar to other timeline resources. :param int id: |group_id| :param string nickname: |group_name| :query int count: |status_count| :query int since_id: |status_since_id| :query int max_id: |status_max_id| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`status objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/show/(int:id)(string:nickname).json Show details about the group. :param int id: |group_id| :param string nickname: |group_name| **Example response**: :ref:`group_object` .. http:post:: /api/statusnet/groups/join/(int:id)(string:nickname).json Join a group. :param int id: |group_id| :param string nickname: |group_name| :reqheader Authorization: |auth| **Example response**: :ref:`group_object` .. http:post:: /api/statusnet/groups/leave/(int:id)(string:nickname).json Leave a group. :param int id: |group_id| :param string nickname: |group_name| :reqheader Authorization: |auth| **Example response**: :ref:`group_object` .. http:post:: /api/statusnet/groups/create.json Create a group. :form nickname: name of the new group :form full_name: (optional) full name associated with the group :form homepage: (optional) home page URL associated with the group :form location: (optional) The city or country describing where the group is located. The contents are not normalized or geocoded in any way :form description: (optional) A description of the group :form aliases: (optional) aliases that group has :reqheader Authorization: |auth| **Example response**: :ref:`group_object` .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/list_all.json List all local groups. :query int count: |group_count| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`group objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/list.json Show the groups which the specified user is a member of. :query int count: |group_count| :query int user_id: |user_id| :query str screen_name: |screen_name| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`group objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/membership/(int:id)(string:nickname).json List the members of the specified group. :param int id: |group_id| :param str nickname: |group_name| :query int count: |user_count| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`user objects ` .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/is_member.json Show if the specified user is a member of the specified group. :query int user_id: |user_id| :query str screen_name: |screen_name| :query int group_id: (optional) |group_id| :query str group_name: (optional) |group_name| **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {"is_member": true} .. http:get:: /api/statusnet/groups/admins/(int:id)(string:nickname).json List the admins of the specified group. :param int id: |group_id| :param str nickname: |group_name| :query int count: |user_count| **Example response**: a list of :ref:`user objects `